Friday, January 18, 2008

Ms Singh's "Hot Men" Contest

To celebrate a new book in her Psy/Changeling series (which I've been following since it involves animals/people) , Nalini Singh has a contest in which she urges her readers to list "hot men" from novels (and TV/films). Details here.

When I read the first bit of Ms. Singh's contest guidelines, I reckoned I'd put up Lucas from her first book as the leading "hot bloke". Why? Because he was sensible (useful in a man), could figure out directions (ditto--I'm hopeless at directions), had no hesitation in telling the heroine he fancied her (no waffling about) and could change into an animal (always a huge plus, eh?)

But then there was the addendum. So my field of choices suddenly increased!

In addition to Lucas then here're a few other picks:

5. Sam Tyler and Gene Hunt (yes, together, please!) from the TV series Life on Mars
Why? Because they just work well together :) The series was fun and it was the combined "hotness" of these two that made it so. Sam, with his modern sensibilities and sensitivity; Gene, with his rather un-pc and yet endearingly straightforward view of life and the world around him. Put them together and you have one hot man. And they're coppers. Who doesn't have a thing for coppers?

4. Septimus (Mark Strong) from the film Stardust (among others): It's the hair and the eyes and the determination to get what he considered to be his, despite rather large odds. Nobody said "hot men" had to be all good, right? After all, heaps of novels and plays have told us that evil can be seductive and Septimus surely is.

3. David Tennant as Doctor Who. It's the glasses and the hyperactive behaviour and the lack of availability (though that's been a bit shot lately!). I always fancied a guy in glasses and if they come wearing ratty suits with sneakers and have a tendency to find adventure wherever they go, it'd be fantastic if they took me along as well. Being damaged helps, of course :)

2. Clive Owen (preferably in tights, as in Elizabeth: The Golden Age the Extras episode; or wisecracking as in Shoot 'em Up; or weary and cynical as in Children of get the idea). I don't think I need to explain why in this case but, if I do, I'd suggest watching any of his films. More than once, actually.

and, finally...

1. Capt. Mal (Nathan Fillion) from Firefly/Serenity and The Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor) from Serenity. Again, a twosome--opposite and, yet, similar. Both were honourable, both are very fanciable and both are willing to do much for what they believe in. But, they are also not afraid to question their beliefs and respect each other (and the people around them) . As with no. 3, I reckon with these two, adventure would be a constant and, right now at the start of another semester of teaching and writing, I'd like an adventure!

Oh, and MtP is probably the first non-textbook I've pre-ordered. I'm feeling rather fangirlish about it all!


Anonymous said...

Let's face it - Nalini writes incredibly hot men. All of her heroes have been deliciously hot, hot, hot.

BumWit said...

I know. It's tough picking one of them but it's great there are/will be loads of fun stories to read!

Jackie (Literary Escapism) said...

Oh wow, I didn't even think about Captain Mal from Firefly. I love Nathan Fillon. I have to say though, I loved his character in Buffy seventh season. He is truly wicked and psycho. I just love his acting.